Thursday, December 24, 2020

How to schedule OIC integration to run for every 2 minutes like SOA composite based on FTP adatper

In Oracle SOASuite, FTP/File adatper can poll on a folder for every few seconds and consume the files. Business cases in which a file has to be consumed in no time we can reduce the polling frequency as much as we can.

In OIC, the minimum schedule frequency is 10 minutes. There is no chance of reducing the frequency when we use Simple Schedule. In this situation, we can clone the same integration which processes the files into say 5 integrations and schedule them to run for every 10 miuntes and 2 minutes apart from each other.

Say Int1 and Int2 are scheduled to run for every 2 minutes starting from 10.10 AM and 10.12 AM respectively. With 5 such integrations we can run all these clones 5 times in 10 minutes.

However, when the integrations are working on the same directory, there may be chance of duplicates in downstream systems. We need to ensure all the files are processed before the next integration runs in its schedule. This often causes issues.

By using iCal expression this situation can be handled.

Using iCal expression we can schedule the integrations to run for every 2 miutes. 2 minutes is the minimum for iCal expression. We can't go less than that.

The expression to do this is as follow.


Above expression states that the schedule has to run for every 2 minutes for each hour.

Below is the screenshot of Simple Schedule

Below is the screenshot of iCal expression.

Following screenshot shows the schedule runs of above expression after running the schedule.